A large contributor to the local economy

The industrial sector in Wollondilly could be considered as relatively small in scale however offers a large contribution to the economy. There are a number of industrial sites throughout the region which provide 11.9% of local employment and make a significant 7.4% contribution towards local sales.

Wollondilly also provides a number of infrastructure requirements for the development of industrial sites. This infrastructure includes access to the Sydney to Melbourne train line, quick access to the Hume Highway into Sydney, as well as a direct road down Picton Road, which runs all the way down to Wollongong and into Port Kembla.

There are a number of sites located around the region home to renowned companies such as Allied Mills, Boral and Narellan Pools. With a planned increase in the industrial land available at Maldon and the new land release for the Wilton Precinct development, there are growing opportunities for more industrial organisations to secure themselves within the fastest growing region in Sydney.

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