Meet with a Dilly Duty Planner

In order to assist you in understanding Council's planning controls and the development assessment process, we provide a free Duty Planner service from 8.30am–2.30pm, Monday to Friday. 

The service is designed to provide preliminary advice on planning-related enquiries associated with properties. But please note, due to the high demand on this service our planners are unable to provide a detailed assessment of any development proposal you may be considering. If this is required, you may need to consider engaging your own planning consultant or legal practitioner.

How to Book an Appointment

To access the Duty Planner service you will need to book an appointment through our online booking system.

All appointments are for a maximum of 15 minutes and you will need to answer some standard questions in order for us to ensure that your enquiry is efficiently directed. It's recommended that you book a Pre-Lodgement meeting for any larger scale or more complex proposals prior to submitting your application to Council.

If you need to update your booking details including change appointment date or to cancel, please contact Council on (02) 4677 1100 at least 24 hours prior.

Announcement icon

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